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Parents As Partners Training

Helping couples avoid conflict and co-parent positively together

The Parents as Partners programme is an intervention for couples and co-parents of young children which originated in the US, developed by Professors Phil and Carolyn Cowan along with their colleagues Professors Marsha Kline Pruett and Kyle Pruett from the Universty of Califorina. Tavistock Relationships has been commissioned by the Department of Education to develop this programme in the UK, including training group leaders and facilitators to deliver the sessions to parents taking part in the programme. 

Improving relationships and communication

The Parents as Partners programme is designed to improve relationships between parents and to increase children’s well‐being and success. It looks at relationships across the family, not just at parenting skills, as parents’ relationship together, parent-child relationships and family patterns across generations are all considered.

Tavistock Relationships train the facilitators and group workers who deliver the 16 weekly sessions and work to improve communication between the parents and help them to manage the challenges and stresses of family life.

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To find out more about the Parents as Partners programme, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

It has been statistically proven that Parents as Partners helps couples. Here our research team discuss the evidence of its effectiveness (and specific ways it supports parenting and relationships), responding to an article published in a family journal.